What is the Gospel?

What do you see when you look in the mirror?

Mirrors are effective tools for self-examination. It doesn't change how you look, it only shows you.

God's law the 10 Commandments is similar to a mirror, but instead of showing you how you look, it shows you what you look like to God. What will you see when you look at the 10 Commandments?

-Have you ever lied? A person who lies is a liar.

-Have you ever stolen anything? A person who steals is a thief.

-Have you ever used God's name in vain? That's called blasphemy. Imagine being called a name you hate, would you want to hang around that person? How much more so when God said, "Don't use My name that way," yet you do it anyway?

-Are you aware that God views hateful thoughts the same way He views murder? Therefore, if you've had hateful thoughts towards someone, God sees you as guilty of murder.

If you're guilty of any of these sins, you're in an awful lot of trouble. Why? It's not because of how bad the sin is, but the One against whom the sin is committed. All sin is against God. God said, "You shall not lie." as well as, "You shall not murder." Therefore, all who have sinned will stand before God to pay the wages of their sin.

The consequences of breaking God's law is clear: "The wages of sin is death..." (Romans 6:23)

Imagine if you went to a restaurant, ordered food and instead of paying, you offer a carwash. Would the server be allowed to accept that? Of course not! In the same way, we can't offer our own means of paying for our sin.

"Oh, it was a long time ago... I've done more good than bad... That's not what I believe..." None of these excuses will help you when you stand before God on the day of Judgment.

-Every word you've spoken. The good words, bad words and even the words that you claim you didn't mean to say will all be laid out before God.

-Every thought that's ever entered your mind. Good thoughts, bad thoughts, hateful thoughts, lustful thoughts and greedy thoughts will all be laid out clear as day before the Lord.

-Every public and private action. Once again, good actions and bad actions all laid out.

All of these will be weighed against the 10 Commandments. If you're honest with yourself, you know you'll be guilty.

The consequence of being guilty before God on that day is an eternity in Hell.

Does this concern you?

The good news:

What you aren't able to do on your own, God is able to do and more.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whosoever might believe in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

God paid the wages you owed from your sin by sending Jesus to die on the cross for you. The Gospel is simple:

-Christ died for your sins.

-He was buried.

-He rose again on the third day. In this we have the promise of eternal life with Jesus.

All God requires of you right now is to repent of your sins and to trust that Jesus died for your sins.

None of us are guaranteed tomorrow. Please don't put this off. There is nothing more important in your life than where you'll spend eternity.

Trust in Christ today!